Modern Greek Pronouns Chart

ιτ εμείς we εσείς they masc αυτοί they fem αυτές.
Modern greek pronouns chart. The use of each pronoun is not random but depends on syntax. The relative interrogative indefinite and demonstrative pronouns. Use of the possessive pronouns in modern greek.
This introductory lesson is the best place to start. The third or consonant declension. Modern greek personal pronouns have two forms for the accusative.
το σπίτι μου to spiti mou my house τα παιδιά μας ta paidia mas our children μία φίλη μου mia fili mou a friend of mine. εγώ γξάθω i write εζύ γξάθειρ you write. Greek prepositions link nouns pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence.
This is two pages. One is short while the other one is longer compare σε to εσένα. The personal pronouns including reflexives and reciprocals.
Remember that the use of such pronouns in the subject position is optional see unit 2 2 1 on page 26. Personal pronouns προσωπικές αντωνυμίες personal pronouns are declinable words that express the first second or third person and may be used instead of nouns. The a and o declensions.
They are always used with an article or a contracted preposition. The word or phrase that the preposition introduces is called the object of the preposition. In english personal pronouns are i you he she it we you they and me you him her it us you them in greek the personal pronouns are.
The personal pronoun in modern and ancient greek. Nouns and adjectives in ης and υς. 10 1 personal pronouns πποσωπικέρ αντωνςμίερ personal pronouns are declinable words and may be used instead of nouns or persons.
Nouns pronouns the definite article. The personal pronoun in modern and ancient greek is given in the tables below. Nouns adjectives the definite article.
The grammar of modern greek as spoken in present day greece and cyprus is essentially that of demotic greek but it has also assimilated certain elements of katharevousa the archaic learned variety of greek imitating classical greek forms which used to be the official language of greece through much of the 19th and 20th centuries. Learning the greek prepositions displayed below is vital to the language. Personal pronouns προσωπικές αντωνυμίες in greek are a bit complicated but i m determined to make it easy for you.
They have singular and plural but they are not declinable. 4a σε αγαπάω πολύ. I εσύ you αυτός he αυτή she αυτό.
The use of personal pronouns with verbs is not obligatory as persons are indicated by the unique personal endings of the verbs.